<font color="#666666">未能找到存储过程'sp_password',不能修改SA密码,在查询分析器执行以下代码即可解决: create procedure sp_password @old sysname = NULL, -- the old (current) password @new sysname, -- the new password @loginame sysname = NULL -- user to change password on as -- SETUP RUNTIME OPTIONS / DECLARE VARIABLES -- set nocount on declare @self int select @self = CASE WHEN @loginame is null THEN 1 ELSE 2 END -- RESOLVE LOGIN NAME if @loginame is null select @loginame = suser_sname() -- CHECK PERMISSIONS (SecurityAdmin per Richard Waymire) -- IF (not is_srvrolemember('securityadmin') = 1) AND not @self = 1 begin dbcc auditevent (107, @self, 0, @loginame, NULL, NULL, NULL) raiserror(15210,-1,-1) return (1) end ELSE begin dbcc auditevent (107, @self, 1, @loginame, NULL, NULL, NULL) end -- DISALLOW USER TRANSACTION -- set implicit_transactions off IF (@@trancount > 0) begin raiserror(15002,-1,-1,'sp_password') return (1) end -- |
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